Fashion Therapy and Other Self-Care Tips
The holidays are around the corner, and the new year is peeking through the window. It’s during these months we start planning on doing things to improve ourselves. New diet. New hobby. New workout. Sleep better. Be kinder to ourselves and to others.
Don’t wait until the new year to take care of yourself. Act now because caring for yourself helps boost your mental and physical health. It will improve the quality of your life, and you’ll stay connected to yourself and others around you.
The practice of self-care shouldn’t be seen as a luxury but as a crucial need to decompress, recover, or reconnect to ourselves. When our physical, mental, and emotional needs are met, we can be more present and responsible for others.
What is Self-Care?
This means taking the time to do the things that improve our mental or physical well-being. Self-care helps us feel good about ourselves and elevates our overall quality of life.
Self-care manifests itself in several ways. You’re practicing self-care as long as the activity improves your physical, mental, or emotional health. These include nutrition, proper hygiene, leisure activities: like exercising, sports, and fashion therapy.
Yes, you read that right. Fashion therapy is a form of self-care.
Can Fashion be a form of Self-Care?
Sure, sweatpants are super comfy. And for many of us, they were our go-to apparel during the pandemic. But COVID fashion of loungewear paired with work blouses is transitioning out of style, especially for people who are back in their offices.
When we look good, we feel good about ourselves. PJs to work signals our brains that today is not it. The day becomes underrated and underwhelming, and suddenly we don’t feel good about ourselves. Dressing up for work or school influences our minds. We feel better about ourselves. We feel more confident.
Fashion boosts our mental well-being. It elevates our mood, and isn’t that what self-care is all about?

What is Fashion Therapy?
Not to be confused with retail therapy, fashion therapy is all about mixing, matching, and creating an outfit that improves your mental and emotional well-being.
Self-care isn’t about running our wallets to the ground. When we talk about fashion therapy or self-care, we mean it in a more mindful way of paying closer attention to the clothes in our closet.
We can get creative by teaming up blouses with a skirt you wouldn’t usually wear together. It’s about getting creative. It’s about finding joy in rediscovering new outfits with the clothes you already have.
Fashion Self-Care Tips
- LET THEM GO - Decluttering your closet is a great way to start our fashion self-care tips. Separate the clothes you love from the ones you haven’t worn in years (donate them at your local thrift store). When you see a clean, organized drawer and closet, it’s more pleasant and easier to mix and match the clothes you actually want to wear.
- DRESS FOR COMFORT - Keep the sweatpants as sleepwear, and opt for leggings instead. Both offer similar levels of comfort, but athleisure wear serves more style, making you a little more comfortable and confident. Another way of dressing for comfort is choosing to wear less restrictive clothing.
- EXPERIMENT WITH DIFFERENT STYLES - Try out new fashion trends or styles! Exploring the world of fashion is a great way to get to know yourself a little more. Plus, matching the perfect pieces is empowering and a total self-confidence booster.
- PLAN YOUR OUTFITS THE NIGHT BEFORE - Skip the morning rush, and prep your ‘fit before going to bed. This way you dive into a gorgeous day instead of stressing out about what you’ll wear to work.
- GIVE YOUR CLOTHES SOME TLC - Yes, they need love too! And the more you care for them, the longer they’ll keep you looking stunning. It’s so simple! All you need to do is follow the care label. This helps them last longer and keeps their colors bright and quality high.
- BUY QUALITY CLOTHES - Not to sound bougie, but buy quality clothes without breaking the bank. Better, higher-quality clothes not only feel good to the touch. They also instantly elevate an outfit. A high-quality top will last longer than a blouse from a fast fashion brand.
- SLIDE INTO CLOTHES THAT MAKE YOU FEEL GOOD - They can be your favorite color, a flattering style, or your favorite A-line skirt. Wear clothes that boost your mood, make you feel happy, and have a positive impact on your confidence.
- CELEBRATE YOUR INDIVIDUALITY - Challenge yourself to embrace your style. Use fashion as a stage to express yourself. Your individuality matters, so go out there and wear clothes that reflect your style, mood, and your true self.

Self-Care Tips
We’ll skip all the self-care tips telling us to eat well, get enough sleep, or drink lots of water. We’ve all heard them one too many times.
Exercising and staying active boost your sense of well-being. They release all the feel-good chemicals in our body, increase our energy, and improve our overall mood.
Find the Inner Child in You
Live wild and carefree, just like when you were young. Recreate (appropriately) those activities you did as a kid. Being a little silly once in a while uplifts your mood.
Go on a Forest Bathing Trip
It’s true! Soaking yourself in nature or surrounding yourself with trees can boost your mood. This is called forest bathing, based on the Japanese practice of shinrin-yoku which means walking in an area with trees and deeply inhaling the air. This is a great way to decompress, destress, and reconnect with yourself.
Intuitive Eating
You don’t need a special diet, go on a cleanse, or check how many calories a dish has. Intuitive eating is listening to your body’s needs. Eat when you feel hungry, and stop when you feel satisfied. It’s knowing when you need a full meal or a simple snack.
The Uplifting Power of Baking
The act of baking, smelling the mouthwatering cookie, and seeing everything come together is a rejuvenating activity. Plus, you’re nourishing yourself with something that tastes good and that you made yourself. This creates a whole mood of positive well-being.
Cook Yourself a Hearty Meal
Just like the power of baking, cooking a hearty meal is an amazing self-care practice. Preparing, cooking, and plating meals can be therapeutic. This gives you a sense of ownership, reconnects you with yourself, and offers a creative outlet. Enjoy the process and savor the moment, whether you’re recreating your favorite comfort food or attempting to make a new dish you found online.
Write Your “To-Don’t” List
To-Do lists are great, but have you heard of a To-Don’t list? Self-care is not all about being active. Some of them rely on taking a step back and finding ways to relax the body and mind. Self-care is about creating room for the important things in our lives.
It’s okay to say no to dinner or movie night with friends. If you need to not do anything and lie down, relax, and decompress after a stressful day, then that’s what you should do. This is a way of decluttering our headspace.
Music Therapy
Turn off the TV, create a playlist, and press play. They can be a collection of chill songs, dance tunes, or your favorite jams. You know the feeling when your mood changes as soon as you hear your favorite song. Listening to music helps us deal with our mental, physical, or emotional needs. Music therapy reduces mood problems and lifts self-esteem.
Get Up and Stretch
Whether you’re at work, school, or home, break the cycle of sitting in front of the desk or the TV. You don’t need a 15-minute HIIT workout or run a mile. All you need to do is stand up and stretch for about 20 seconds, like a mini-break for the body and mind. Our minds recognize intentional physical movements, and it impacts us positively.
Laughter is Still the Best Medicine
We’ve all heard of this since we were all little. But there’s truth in the saying, “Laughter is the best medicine.” Laughing increases oxygen intake and benefits our hearts, lungs, and muscles. And just like exercising, laughter releases feel-good chemicals.