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Recover and Recharge After Your Spring Break

You needed that spring break getaway. You needed a change of pace and scenery. You need to recover and recharge from spring break, which can be overstimulating. You’ve been exposed too long in a tourist destination packed with people who want to party and decompress like you.

But schoolwork and other obligations await you on the other side of your door. You can’t stay under the sheets forever, although sleep and alone time are great ways to recharge from an exciting week off school and/or work. 

Luckily, there are ways to bounce back from a tiring and exhausting week. If you’re looking for ways to recharge, you’ve come to the right place (or you found your way here, just as fate intended it to be). Practicing mindfulness and meditation are excellent ways to relax the mind and body.


Mindfulness is the human ability to be fully present, while meditation is exploring and not a fixed destination, according to mindful. We expand our awareness of where we are and what we’re doing while we venture into our inner minds’ workings. Mindfulness and meditation are about living in the moment with intention, slowing down, and taking the time to breathe instead of reacting quickly to phone notifications.

If you’re still exhausted from spring break, there are practices and exercises to help you relax and prepare you for school or work.


For on-the-go people who say they can’t find time to practice mindfulness, here are some activities you can do in between your tight schedule. Whether you’re returning from a fun vacation or just starting your week, these activities can help you focus on the present moment.

GRATITUDE LIST - You can do this at the start of your day or as you’re winding down. Like what it says, this practice is a list of things you are thankful for. Write up 3 to 5 things you’re grateful for each day. This is a good way of keeping a positive attitude. 

WALKING MEDITATION - Yes, walking can be meditative. If you’re working from home or writing a school essay, take a break and step away from your computer. Walk around in your backyard or your neighborhood. You might surprise yourself at how the simple act of walking can be meditative.

MINDFUL DRIVING - Forget about breakfast in your car or scrolling through social media while waiting for the green light. Instead, focus your attention on your vehicle and your surroundings. Listen to the sound of the tires on the road. Feel the texture of the streets you’re driving on. Channel your awareness to your environment: other drivers, the trees, the blue skies. 

DRAGON BREATHING - Also known as mindful breathing is the practice of focusing on breathing. Inhale for 4 seconds, hold it in for another 4, and exhale for 6 seconds. This is a method of releasing tension, anxiety, and anger. When you’re feeling frustrated and stressed, stop yourself and practice slowing down your breathing.



These simple yoga poses are meant to be practiced before meditation to slow down our breath, quiet our minds, and heighten our awareness.

MOUNTAIN POSE - This standing yoga pose grounds the body and mind. In this pose, the feet are rooted into the ground, the spine is tall, and the arms are extended up to the sky. Mountain pose is the starting point for other poses and can also be used in its own right as a source of strength and stability.

TREE POSE - This standing yoga pose requires strong balance. It is done with the right foot pressed against the left inner thigh, with both hands reaching upward. Tree pose is a great way to improve balance, focus, and concentration while strengthening the lower body. 

LOW LUNGE - This yoga pose is a great way to stretch and strengthen the muscles in the lower body. It helps with flexibility and range of motion in the hips, legs, and back. The pose also helps to open up the chest, improve posture, and reduce stress.

RECLINING BOUND ANGLE POSE - This yoga pose opens the hips, chest, and shoulders, relaxing the mind. It helps reduce stress, fatigue, and anxiety. This pose can be practiced at any level, from beginner to advanced, and is a great way to release tension and relax the body.


Here’s a simple way to practice meditation. For the most part, this exercise is free and doesn’t cost anything. All you need is yourself and a quiet place.

  1. Sit or lie comfortably.
  2. Close your eyes.
  3. Breathe naturally without controlling your breathing.
  4. Direct your awareness to your breathing and how your body responds to it. Pay attention to the movements of your chest, ribcage, and your belly. Your breathing is your anchor. If you fall out of focus, find your anchor.
Retail therapy isn’t always the solution to add pep to our step. Whether it’s post-spring break getaway tiredness or the stress of everyday life, we need to find ways to recover so we can return to work or school with a refreshed body and mind.

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